The System of Financial Supervision in Europe – Origin, Developments and Risk of Overruling

The watchdogs in the financial sector are the independent administrative authorities operating at both European and national level. From a theoretical viewpoint, independent authorities operate within a context of progressive change in the notion of sovereignty, in the sense of national sovereignty that, from being a mere privilege of single states, takes on a “transversal” nature. From an economic viewpoint, it seems necessary to appoint independent authorities to supervise the market in order to guarantee an adequate degree of security and transparency, given
the complexity of market relations. Economics has to be considered as a realm in which democratic ideals may be fully achieved on the strengths of the basic nature of the market-directed economy, the cradle of free trade and the emergence and consolidation of agreements between the actors operating in it.

The article depicts the general framework in which the regulatory bodies in financial sector have been operating. After an introductory outline of the financial system and its objectives, the analysis shifts to the framework of the financial business operators and of the regulatory bodies. The market is organised and fragmented in financial conglomerates, where cross activities take place and where potentially it is easier for the regulatory bodies to exercise their control. In this context, the different models of supervision will be scrutinised, together with the attempts, made at European level, to comply with the international standards. The final part is dedicated to the description of global dynamics and to the current situation to overcome the systemic crisis affecting the market. With some –bitter – concluding remarks we will try to prospect possible different solutions to the crisis, solutions that don’t necessarily coincide with the actual decisions to reform the system taken at European level.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: Issue 04/2011 (Dezember 2011)
Seiten: 14
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 41,65
Autor: Margherita Poto

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