Overview of the Pyrolysis and Gasification Processes for Thermal Disposal of Waste

Thermal treatment of waste started in the 1870s in England with the first waste incineration plants and this technology was in short time adopted by many industrialised countries. Starting in the late 1970s waste incineration was blamed for emission of toxic compounds, in particular of dioxins, and public pressure initiated the decree of more and more stringent air emission standards in all countries which, again, induced significant improvement of the environmental performance of waste incineration.

 Pyrolysis and gasification are integral sub processes of the in cineration of waste ingrate systems which starts with drying, continues at higher temperature with pyrolysis and gasification and ends finally up with combustion of the waste. The technologies described here are also in combined processes strictly separated from each other. Pyrolysis is a process for disintegration of organic substances at elevated temperatures under inert atmosphere. The technically preferred reactor is a heated rotary drum. The products are, depending on the operation temperature and the feed composition, gaseous organic compounds, oils, water, and coke rich ashes.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 6 (September 2016)
Seiten: 14
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Jürgen Vehlow

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