Possibilities of Development of Municipal Waste Recycling and Incineration in Poland

One of the basic rules in the field of waste management is the use of processes which are located as high as possible in the waste hierarchy, while taking into consideration the life cycle thinking. This also applies to municipal waste management. Waste prevention is at the top of the hierarchy. This is followed by: preparation for reuse, recycling and other recovery processes, including thermal treatment (incineration) of waste with energy recovery. The disposal of waste, which includes, among others, landfilling, is at the bottom of the hierarchy. Thus, the objective is to move up the hierarchy, which means moving away from waste disposal towards waste recovery.

The municipal waste management is regulated in the first place by:

• the Act of 13 September 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in gminas (Journal of laws of 2016, item 250, as amended),

• the Act of 14 December 2012 on waste (Journal of laws of 2013, item 21, as amended)

and the ordinances issued on the basis of authorizations contained in these acts. The general overhaul of the municipal waste management system took place on 1 July 2013. It involved putting the obligation on the municipalities to collect/receive and properly manage this waste, i.e. to transfer the so-called ownership of waste to municipalities. At the same time, the municipalities are obliged to achieve target levels, among others, in the preparation for re-use and recycling of municipal waste and reducinglandfilling of biodegradable municipal waste. The laws also identify how to implement
some of the obligations.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 6 (September 2016)
Seiten: 15
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Beata B. Klopotek

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