Fully Automated Sorting Plant for Municipal Solid Waste in Oslo with Recovery of Metals, Plastics, Paper and Refuse Derived Fuel

In order to treat household waste Romerike Avfallsforedling (ROAF) located in Skedsmorkorset north of Oslo, Norway required the installation of a mechanical Treatment facility to process 40,000 tpa. Together with a Norwegian based technical consultancy Mepex and German based technical consultancy EUG the project was tendered and the plant build against a technical specification. In 2013 the project was awarded to Stadler Anlagenbau and since April 2014 the plant is in operation with an hourly throughput of thirty tons. The input waste contains specific green coloured bags containing food waste which is collected together with the residual waste from the households. The process recovers successfully the green food bags before the remaining waste is mechanically pre-treated and screened to isolate a polymer rich fraction which is then fully segregated via NIR technology in to target polymers prior to fully automated product baling. Recoverable Fibre is optically targeted as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metals. All food waste is transported off site for further biological treatment and the remaining residual waste leaves site for thermal recovery. In 2015 the plant has been successfully upgraded to forty tons per hour and remains fully automated including material baling.

The facility owner and operator is Romerike Avfallsforedling (ROAF) who currently owns and treats the waste of 10 municipalities around Oslo. These are Enebakk, Fet, Gjerdrum, Lørenskog, Nittedal, Rælingen, Skedsmo, Sørum, Aurskog-Høland and Rømskog. Together the municipalities represent 193,000 residents. There is a weekly collection of food waste and residual waste. Altogether there are 180 recycling Points (bring systems) for glass and metal packaging. A four weekly paper collection roundis also offered to the residents.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 6 (September 2016)
Seiten: 7
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Eule

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