German RETech Partnership (RETech) - German Recycling Technologies and Waste Management Partnership e.V.

The German RETech Partnership was founded as an association in December 2011 by leading representatives of German recycling businesses and associated academies.
The primary objective of the association is to successfully export he concept of "Recycling and Waste Management - Made in Germany" as a product and to establish, promote and develop a modern international waste management constitution.

The German RETech Partnership is the successor organisation of RETech, an initiative by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, which has hereby been transferred into a privately owned working group. The association continues RETech’s previous activities and initiatives to improve the requirement for technology export opportunities on behalf of waste management companies, to promote the transfer of know-how and the development of environmental awareness and increase waste management standards in target countries.

Membership in the German RETech Partnership is available for all players in the Recycling industry including universities etc.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 4
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Dipl.-Kfm. Armin Vogel

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