Requirements for High Quality Recovery in German Waste Legislation

The centre of German waste legislation is formed by the so-called Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, (ff. abbrev. KrWG) translating approximately to "cycle waste management act".
This new legal provision is to implement the Waste Framework Directive (WFD)¹ and one of its main features - the European waste hierarchy - into German law. The criterion of high quality recovery or rather the priority of high quality recovery is to be found in §² 8 III S. 3 KrWG and mirrors § 5 II S. 3 of the former cycle waste management and waste act (Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz ff. abbrev. Krw-/AbfG).

§ 8 III S. 3 KrWG states:

Bei der Ausgestaltung der (…) Verwertungsmaßnahme ist eine den Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt am besten gewährleistende, hochwertige Verwertung anzustreben.

This translates to:

While executing a recovery operation one should aim for high quality recovery ensuring protection for mankind and environment.

Even though the new wording seems closely related to the previous codification – according to the explanatory memorandum (Gesetzesbegründung) – the dictate of high quality is to become a binding statutory duty. Further, § 8 II KrWG contains the power to issue statutory instruments for the Federal Government (Bundesregierung) to set requirements for high quality. In its statement during the legislative procedure for the KrWG Federal Council (Bundesrat) criticized that Federal Government is not obliged to exercise its power to issue a statutory ordinance to substantiate what constitutes high quality recovery.

1 Directive 2008/98/EC.

2 In accordance with the usage in German law in the following sections are marked with the sign §, paragraphs are marked with Latin letters (I, II, etc.) followed by sentences (S.) and/or if needed by numbers (Nr.).

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 10
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Versteyl

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