Landfilling of Solid Waste and Landfill Operation in the Marmaris Region

A modern leachate treatment plant, a sanitary landfill, and a packing waste separation unit were established in “The union of Marmaris Environmental Protection, Construction of Substructure Foundations and Operation”. Yearly 50,000 tons of solid waste are entering the plant since 2003, from which approx. 10,000 tons of total waste is the valuable packing waste and 40,000 tons are other garbage and solid waste.

Currently, the landfill is divided into two sections, with estimated volumes and landfill capacities of 650,000 m3 and 12 years and 350,000 m3 and 7 years respectively. Total landfill capacity is estimated as 19 years. However, another reserved area exists for a third section with a 650,000 m3 capacity, available in terms of further development. Landfill gas collection and its emission reduction by means of natural absorption way through the landfill construction technique was also materialised. Vertical, gravel- packed interceptor trenches have been used for gas drainage. Landfill leachate is continuously collected in a lagoon for recirculation and further treatment. Especially in the dry summer months, the leachate is recirculated to the completed landfill units, thus helping to prevent the drying of solid waste mass by introducing extra moisture into the waste body, which is working also as a trickling filter.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2010 (November 2010)
Seiten: 6
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 3,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Ertugrul Erdin
Şebnam Bastan Yilman
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gorkem Akinci
E. B. Özkaraova Güngör

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