Recent Developments in Testing, Modelling and Environmental Impact Assessment for Soil, Waste and Construction Products

The recycling and reuse of materials formerly called wastes is growing steadily worldwide. Although economically attractive and seemingly feasible technically, the environmental aspects associated with recycling and reuse is poorly developed in most countries. The available single step leaching tests (like TCLP 1990, DIN 38414 S4 1984 and EN 12457-1, -2 and -4 2002) which are used by lack of a better alternative are inadequate tools for such assessment, as they do not allow an evaluation of trends in release with time or other influencing factors. In addition, the number of elements verified for compliance with environmental criteria are too limited in many cases (Sukandar et al. 2009, Yilmaz & Degirmenci 2009, Kim et al. 2009). More elaborate tests are needed to adequately cover the possible environmental risks associated with the recycling/reuse of wastes.

Worldwide a growing awareness of possible environmental impacts caused by the increased recycling of waste has led to the need for tools to assess such impacts properly. For the proper characterisation of the release behaviour from soil, sediments, sludge, treated wood, compost, waste, wastes from the extractive industry, electronic waste and a wide range of construction products a limited set of basic leaching tests addressing specific aspects of release behaviour are now in place. The chemical speciation modelling coupled with leaching characterization of a wide range of materials and products has progressed substantially allowing a better understanding of the controlling processes, which in turn opens new possibilities for waste management and product improvement. In all sectors of our society the fields of soil, waste and construction are divided, whether it concerns the regulatory field, the development of standards or work in research organisations. It is time to stop the diverging trend and seek the common ground across the various fields to avoid multiple conflicting or confusing solutions to the same environmental impact problem.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2010 (November 2010)
Seiten: 14
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 7,00
Autor: Dr Hans A. Van der Sloot
O. Hjelmar
David S. Kosson

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