Comparison of Different Treatment Approaches for Municipal Landfill Leachate

Nowadays, landfilling plays the most important role in the framework of solid waste disposal (Renou 2008). During the waste disposal leachate and biogas can be produced. Production of biogas with energetic value is one of the advantages of waste handling, but production of leachate with potential risk for environment turns it into a serious problem. Landfill leachate is generated during infiltration of rainwater when soluble compounds are extracted from solid waste. The main environmental problem of landfill leachate is contamination of groundwater and nearby surface water. The landfill leachate also has to be treated to meet the limits for dis-charge in surface water (Christenson 1992). Traditionally, biological treatment is the most widely used treatment strategy for such wastewaters, mostly because of its low cost (Renou 2008). However, biological treatment is not always effective enough for toxic and low biode-gradable wastewaters and in this case physico-chemical treatment can take place (Silva 2004). The aim of our study was to compare different treatment methods using physico-chemical analyses, biodegradability and toxicity tests.

The aim of our study was to compare different treatment methods, to determine effective treatment method for municipal landfill leachates. First, investigated leachate originated from closed and still active parts of regional municipal landfill were physico-chemically characterized. Toxicity of a raw landfill leachates was assessed by acute toxicity test using bacteria Vibrio fischeri, water flea Daphnia magna and mixed bacterial culture – activated sludge. Biodegradability in common environmental conditions was assessed by determining the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer and biodegradability in wastewater treatment plant was simu-lated by static Zahn-Wellens test. According to all previous tests, Fenton oxidation, adsorption on activated carbon and adsorption on zeolites were investigated as possible appropriate treat-ment procedures for investigated landfill leachates. Biological treatment was also simulated in a laboratory scale sequence batch reactor (SBR). Higher treatment efficiency of Fenton oxidation was observed using a 1 : 10 ratio of reagents Fe2+: H2O2. Adsorption on activated carbon re-sulted in 50% treatment efficiency. Adsorption on zeolites successfully removed significant amounts of ammonium nitrogen. Treatment in SBR was not effective. Even though if in same cases the initial pollution of investigated leachates decreased, there was not enough efficiency in the treatment methods to fulfill all required effluent limits for discharging landfill leachates into surface water.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2010 (November 2010)
Seiten: 4
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 2,00
Autor: G. Kalcíková
Prof. Dr. Jana Zagorc-Končan
Assist. Prof. Dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn

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