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EurUP 06/2008 | |
EurUP 05/2008 | |
EurUP 04/2008 | |
EurUP 03/2008 | |
EurUP 02/2008 | |
EurUP 01/2008 | |
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„A special regime for third party liability should as far as possible provide a uniform system for all Western European countries. The effects and repercussions of a nuclear incident will not stop at political or geographical frontiers and it is highly desirable that persons on one side of a frontier should be no less well protected than persons on the other side. For these reasons, an international agreement setting up such a regime is desirable. Such an agreement, supplementing the measures applied in the related and important fields of public health and safety and the prevention of accidents, may also facilitate the solution of third party liability problems at a national level.“
Copyright: | © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | |
Quelle: | EurUP 06/2008 (Januar 2009) | |
Seiten: | 13 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 32,00 | |
Autor: | Dr. Norbert Pelzer | |
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Regulating Catastrophic Risks by Standards
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This article analyses the role played by standards of protection in the regulation of catastrophic risks. It examines how to protect people against the occurrence of catastrophic events, considering that the related risk is highly uncertain and difficult to predict using rational methodologies. In this perspective, the article focuses on environmental risks and terrorist threats affecting common goods – namely environment and security – areas where any damage is susceptible to producing ruinous effects and huge casualties.
Sicherheitsabstände als Standortrisiko für Immissionsschutzanlagen
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Unfälle wie in Seveso, Bhopal, Enschede oder zuletzt in Kolontar haben eindrucksvoll unter Beweis gestellt, dass von Anlagen, in denen mit gefährlichen Stoffen umgegangen wird, große Gefahren für deren Umgebung ausgehen. Bestmögliche Vorsorge gegen die Auswirkungen solcher Katastrophen bietet die räumliche Trennung von gefährlichen Anlagen und schutzwürdigen Nutzungen durch die Einhaltung ausreichender Sicherheitsabstände.
Early warning environmental information for the atmospheric environment: The AIRTHESS system
© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
The present paper provides information on air quality (AQ) related early warning information provision, environmental information systems, and the way that such systems may support the quality of everyday life. On this basis, the paper presents the AIRTHESS system, being in operation in Thessaloniki, Greece.