Inactive Asbestos Mine as a Disposal Site for Asbestos wastes

Asbestos is a silicate mineral of fibrous form and has been used for many years as a raw material for the production of a large variety of materials and objects by virtue of its exceptional attributes. Unfortunately asbestos is considered responsible for serious lung diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer that are caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres and appear usually after a long period of exposure. Although, according to European legislation the use of Asbestos Containing Materials is forbidden, many buildings in Greece still contain asbestos products, which must be removed at some point in the near future. It must be pointed out that even nowadays Greece has no special landfill sites for the disposal of Toxic & Hazardous wastes. This means that all hazardous wastes, asbestos included, must be transferred abroad. This fact has enormous economical and environmental consequences for the Greek state. A suitable site must be found in the future that can serve as a disposal site for hazardous wastes. The case of the asbestos mine of northern Greece represents an interesting case as a potential disposal site for asbestos wastes in the future. The existing data regarding the quality of the environment in the Asbestos Mine of Northern Greece (known as MABE) region in relation to the presence of asbestos are insufficient for the determination of the existing pollution problem. In the present work, a first approach of this problem and a toxicity analyses have been carried out.

Nowadays, the area of the asbestos mine of Northern Greece still remains a hot spot of asbestos pollution and must be remedied before it can be used. During the construction of a disposal site for asbestos waste in the asbestos mine area, the whole place, which until now remained unexploited, will be restored and used for the solution of the important environmental problem - hazardous waste management – such as asbestos. In order to have an effective asbestos management programme, it is necessary to establish clear lines of responsibility for the programme’s management and implementation. Before carrying out an asbestos management programme, it is important that an assessment of the risks to the health and safety of all personnel, which may be exposed to asbestos, is carried out. The risks to the personnel should be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable. In assessing the risks, the appropriate legislation guidance should be consulted.

Copyright: © Verlag Abfall aktuell
Quelle: Band 31 - Deponietechnik 2008 (Februar 2008)
Seiten: 13
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Evangelos Gidarakos

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