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Since fossil resources are limited, more and more focus is laid on the utilisation of organics for energygeneration. But these bioresources are also valuable for food, feed and material production. Biorefineries are complexand integrated systems of processes and facilities with the purpose to transform primary bioresources into a multitude ofenergetic and material products. They are expected to be the step forward into a bio-based economy. Civilisationbiorefineries expand this goal by the efficient utilization of local resources which are generated as secondary or tertiarybioresources in form of waste, waste water or residues e.g. of landscape care.
Objectives/Methods/Techniques: Civilisation biorefineries contain several parts – inventory, collection, transport of thelocal bioresources, their conversion via utilization cascades in a network of centralized and decentralized units intovarious products and the product utilization. These parts are introduced in a general way. Ways to reach a civilizationbiorefinery were studied more detailed on examples for the part of the inventory. Scientific basics to available regionalwaste and waste water based bioresources were investigated on the example of the District Hamburg-Bergedorf locatedin the North of Germany (120,000 inhabitants, area of 155 km²). In the BERBION-project 14 partners develop anintegrated approach for the complete utilization of all municipal biogenic resources for the selected district Hamburg-Bergedorf. One major part focuses on basic scientific questions regarding inventory studies; therefore studies werecarried out by a multitude of methods. A practice relevant inventory was carried out for toilet water as co-substrates foranother example – Hamburgs city quarter Jenfelder Au (1,800 inhabitants, area of 0.35 km2). In the KREIS-project, thenew city district shall be developed using modern technologies for covering the regional energy demand. A firstbioresource inventory for the Jenfelder Au was done using general information. In a second step it was made moreaccurate using the BERBION-findings. The biogas, electricity and heat potential were judged by basic literature data,the BERBION-findings and specific practical investigations. Although several utilization pathways for the bioresourcesare possible in a civilization biorefinery, the focus is laid in this paper on transformation into biogas by anaerobicdigestion. Using anaerobic fermentation process to biogas as central conversion process, the interfaces of a civilisationbiorefinery were shown on the example of the Jenfelder Au. They include e.g. new collection systems, substratespecificpre-treatments, energy conversion and utilization steps and extension of the cascades to material products.Results/ Discussion/Conclusions: The bioresources from the 2.5 half-year BERBION-inventory were distinguished insolid and liquid bioresources from different sources (kitchen, garden waste, tree clippings, woody, herbaceousmaterials, mixed green, grass, leaf, horse manure, food residues from restaurants and companies, waste water, residualfat, special fractions; in total 84,000 Mg/a solids; 560,000 m³/a liquids for the district Bergedorf). Quantitatively mostimportant from the solid sector were the green waste fractions and from the liquid the toilet wastes. For utilization of thesubstrates for anaerobic treatment following criteria are most important: 1) type and quality, 2) amount and availabilityover the year, 3) the origin of the bioresoure; 4) interfaces. To simplify future inventories, key data and inventoryguidelines were elaborated. A first and second “quick” inventory for the Jenfelder Au resulted in a suitable estimationof theoretically available bioresources and their energetic potential on seasonal basis for use in an anaerobic pretreatmentfacility with biogas as a product. The considered bioresources were: 1) toilet waste water, 2) lawn cuttings ofpublic and of private areas, 3) kitchen waste from households, 4) fat separator residues, 5) fruit waste residues. Otherfractions are available as well and have to be quantified in 3rd inventory step. Also the interfaces to other technicalprocesses in the neighborhood such as geothermic and photovoltaic systems have to be elaborated in the next step to allow facility planning. The local available bioresources can significantly contribute to the local energy mix.
Copyright: | © European Compost Network ECN e.V. | |
Quelle: | Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012) | |
Seiten: | 9 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 9,00 | |
Autor: | PD Dr. Ing. habil. Ina Körner Saskia Hertel Helmut Adwiraah | |
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