Combinaison of three new microbial indicators to Monitor composting bioaerosols

Bioaerosols generated at composting plants are released during processes that involve vigorous movement of material:fresh waste delivery, shredding, compost pile turning, screening. Bioaerosols are a cause of concern because of theirpotential impact on the health of workers and residents living close to such facilities. The main goal of this research wasto look for phylotypes which would represent a microbial signature of compost aerosols.

Further Author:
Le Goff O. - INRA

These phylotypes could thenbe used as microbial indicators to evaluate bioaerosol dispersal around composting plants.The microbial diversity of bioaerosols collected at five open industrial composting plants treating different types ofwaste was characterized by a culture-independent approach. Bioaerosols were collected during the turning of compostpiles in thermophilic phase. Bacteria and Eukaryota rDNA libraries were built for each of the five bioaerosols samplesand more than 800 sequences were analysed. Core species of the composting bioaerosols were identified. Among them,three phylotypes, affiliated to Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula, to a Thermoactinomycetaceae sp. and to Thermomyceslanuginosus, were validated as indicators of compost aerosols in the air collected during piles turning. They were thenquantified by qPCR in air collected outdoor in natural environments and on ten composting plants together with 4 othermicrobial markers: cultivable bacteria and fungi, total bacteria (epifluorescence microscopy) and viable bacteria (solidphasecytometry). The increase of concentration due to the turning of composting piles compared to the backgroundconcentration obtained in natural environments was determined for each marker. Based on these results, a combinationof three microbial indicators relevant to monitor composting bioaerosols was defined: one general indicator ofbioaerosol emission, the viable bacteria, and two bacterial phylotypes specific to composting bioaerosol, NA07,affiliated to Saccharopolyspora sp. and NC38, affiliated to the Thermoactinomycetaceae.In order to study bioaerosols dispersal, these three indicators were then applied on site (11 plants) at increasingdistances downwind during the turning of compost windrows in thermophilic phase. The specificity of the indicators isat present further investigated, as well as their relevancy for monitoring bioaerosols emitted during other activities(shredding, screening…).In conclusion, defining the microbial signature of composting aerosols gave us access to indicators that could be used for analyzing bioaerosol dispersal outside composting platforms.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 6
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 6,00
Autor: Nathalie Wéry
Hélène Bacheley
Jean-Philippe Steyer
Godon Jean Jacques

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