Micro-gas grids - an innovative approach for optimizing energy efficiency from biogas production

Against the background of increasing governmental pressure to generate energy from biomass without compromising environmental sustainability, the University of Stuttgart investigates the intelligent concept of micro-gas grids in the context of the EU Central project "SEBE - Sustainable and Innovative European Biogas Environment".

The concept is based on the fact that biogas production is decoupled from biogas utilization allowing for (i) high flexibility regarding substrate charge and location of the biogas unit (ii) increased cogeneration of heat and energy and (iii) accelerated utilization of natural gas and biogas. The overall objective of the research is to assess the status quo of application of the concept in Germany and identify the potential of micro-gas grids for optimization of conventional biogas production pathways. More specifically, it is to be investigated under which technical and economical framework conditions the concept features of micro-gas grids can optimize the (a) biogas to CHP and biogas to (b) bio-methane utilization pathway. Regarding methodology a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods such as operator questionnaires, semi-structured expert interviews and the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) are being applied. The preliminary results of the status quo analysis in Germany show that the predominant type of application is the micro-gas grid with the distributional function allocating biogas to heat sinks. Usually this type encompasses a centralized biogas plant that is connected to (one or more) satellite CHPs. Despite being a promising concept for accelerated utilization of bio-methane from small-sized biogas plants, micro-gas grids for collection of biogas from decentralized plants for central upgrading has not been implemented in Germany yet. Supportive framework conditions for implementation of this concept have found to be: high plant density, well developed gas grid infrastructure, proximity to natural gas fuel stations as well as beneficiary topographic conditions. On micro level, potential operators for this type of concept are usually found to be in dissimilar planning phases which make decision-making in defined timeframes and the creation of entrepreneurial units for the concerted concept implementation difficult. Regarding technical aspects, biogas quality i.e. composition, accounting of the partial biogas volume and provision of constant biogas volumes are found to impede the implementation of the concept in practice. For the investigation of technical parameters a model of calculation of the CED has been developed. The assumptions of the model parameters are based on literature review and expert interviews. With the model it is to be investigated how the technical parameters e.g. biogas volume demand, transport distances, substrate quantity input affect the optimization efficiency.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 9
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 9,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Olga Panic-Savanovic
B. Sc. Arunee Tan
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Chem. Klaus Fischer
o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert

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