The waste management system on Langkawi Island, Malaysia - options for waste Treatment

The island of Langkawi, situated in the north west of Peninsular Malaysia, is the one of the major tourist attractions in South East Asia with area of around 360 sq km around 100,000 permanent residents (2010). As a result of tourism the number of visitors to the island could reach more than 2 million a year creating strong pressure on municipal services, especially on the waste management system.

Further authors:
S. Mohd Razi - University of Leeds, UK

Since February 2010, Langkawi Island has been implementing a new waste management system which involved privatization. The new system includes a numbers of activities and facilities including; collection, transportation, treatment, transfer stations, recycling, and disposal, and the selected private company has a 20 years concession to manage the solid waste.
Currently the majority of the waste goes to a non-engineered landfill and there are plans to build a 100 tonne per day incinerator. Like many other sites in the world, land is scarce on Langkawi Island and landfilling is increasingly becoming an unacceptable option. Options for waste treatment are very restricted due to environmental constraints and limited spaces. Composting, recycling and anaerobic digestion treatments are the possible options to minimise the negative impact of waste on the island. The initial analysis has shown that the most viable options for the organic fraction of the waste are composting and anaerobic digestion. Recycling is likely to be restricted as there are no direct uses for the recycled materials on the island and they will need to be shipped elsewhere.
This paper considers the available waste options, with a focus on the optimization of the current practices on Langkawi . The evaluation of the different management options used the current situation as a baseline. The data used for the baseline study generated information on the Global Warming Potential (GWP), human toxicity via air, water and soil, acidification and spoiled groundwater. These parameters are shown on a common baseline using units of equivalent per person impact (PE).
Different scenarios were reviewed for this study using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The initial results show that on low emission the best options are separate collection of organic matter, shipping of selected dry recyclables off the island, anaerobic digestion of organic matter with composting of the digestate and landfilling of the residual waste.
Skordilis, A. (2004): Modelling of integrated solid waste management system in an island. Resources, Conservation & Recycling , vol. 41, pp. 243–254.
Agamuthu, P., Fauziah, S.H., Khidzir, K.M., & Noorazamimah, A. A., (2007): Sustainable Waste Management – Asian Perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 5 - 7 September 2007, pp.15-26. Chennai, India.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 0
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Edward I. Stentiford
John R. Barton

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