Ecotoxicological Impacts of biodegradable polymers in agricultural soils

The market relevance for biodegradable polymers has been increasing for a few years. A benefit for the reduction of landfill-waste, a high public acceptance and a positive company image are the driving forces behind their soar.Biodegradable polymers can reach agricultural soils either by composting flow (as bags or packaging) or as mulching film.

Further Authors:
L. Kremer - RITTMO AgroEnvironnement
A-L. Badin - RITTMO AgroEnvironnement

The aim of this study was to investigate the innocuousness of biodegradable polymers in agricultural soil. In a firststage, we did a review of bioassays used for the last ten years to evaluate the toxicological effects of these products. In a second stage, tests were performed with agricultural soils to assess the impacts of plastics as a mulching film on thebiological soil properties for a sustainable agro-ecosystem. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials were testedin agricultural soils.Most of the scientific studies focusing on biodegradable polymers conclude to their innocuousness only because of thewell biodegradation of the tested products. Few of them use ecotoxicological tests to study their environmental impactand some show toxic impacts during or after the degradation on life, growth or reproduction of bacteria, plants andanimals used as bioindicator. Vibrio fischeri is the main bioindicator used (in more than 90% of the publications issuedon the subject). This organism is a marine bacterium which exists naturally either in a free-living planktonic state or as asymbiont of certain luminescent fish or squid. It is a heterotrophic and free-living form lives in decaying organic matter.Considering these characteristics, this test can be used as a first step to evaluate the toxic impact of water-solublecompounds. But Vibrio fischeri cannot be relevant to assess the risk of biodegradable polymers used in agriculture, allthe more when it is the only ecotoxicological test used.The difficulty to sum up the former studies comes from the variety of methodologies: sample preparation (polymer insmall pieces or particles), dilution substrate (ratio and type of substrate: fresh biowaste, mature compost, soil), samplingperiod (during the biodegradation process or at the end). Most of the time, the composting process are not linked to thereality (type of waste, temperature, duration …) and so for the compost tested. Therefore bioassay was carried out to assess the impact of polymer materials on a specific biological activity ofagricultural soils. A new test, not yet standardised, has been set up using the bacterial nitrification as a bioindicator.Soils sampled from field were sieved at 4mm and the fraction of plastics fragments above 4 mm were cut up andincorporated again to the soil. This fraction was the reference dose used to calculate the quantity of non-biodegradablematerial to be added to the soil. Soils were incubated in a microcosm conditions (20°C, 50% of soil moisture). Threetreatments were tested: soil/soil + biodegradable mulch material/soil + conventional mulch material.The results showed that microbial nitrification is an efficient bioindicator that could be used to evaluate the impact ofpolymers. The effect of polymers was more discriminating when the initial level of soil nitrification was important.Reduction of nitrification activity was observed for the two biodegradable polymers. With the non-biodegradablematerial, no effect was observed after exposure time of 7 days.The first results of this bioassay have to be confirmed by further tests with various types of biodegradable polymers andvarious exposure conditions: mulching film incorporated to soil and amended soil with compost made withbiodegradable polymers.The relevance of this bioindicator will be evaluated in comparison with others in the BIOPLASTOX project. Theobjective of this project is to draw a parallel between the results of the degradation of two plastics (biodegradablepackaging) during the composting and the evaluation of the ecotoxicity of the final compost containing these plastics. This study was granted by the French Ministry for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, Rural affairs and Spatial planning.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 7
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 7,00
Autor: Dr Pascale. Chenon
Nicolas Thevenin
Najat Nassr

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