Creation of a resource cadastre in the residential building sector

To estimate the material quantities of the residential building stock various Research dealt with the detailed material composites of a building and with creating typical material values for building typologies.

This paper presents a case study to locate secondary material as it is required in the urban mining concept. It combines literature values witha geographical information system (GIS). Therefore, a typical residential area of 0.175km² containing 380 buildings in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area was chosen as exemplary site. The implementation of the literature values and qualitative information into the GIS was handled through a representative proceed approach. The total material stock of the created resource cadastre for the residential building area were weighing intotal 103.5 kt and 93 kt depending on literature values. The exemplary results were then
scaled on city level on the base of statistical data.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste to Resources 2017 (Mai 2017)
Seiten: 17
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: M.Sc. Oezlem Oezdemir
Dipl.-Ing. Karina Krause
Annette Hafner

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