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Waste to Resources 2017 | |
Praxistagung Deponie 2016 | |
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The aim of the LIFE+ Methamorphosis project is to recover energy from organic solid waste from both urban and agricultural livestock sources to obtain alternative and sustainable fuels.
The first objective is optimise the use of energy in the treatment of leachate coming from the treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste by implementing innovative anaerobic and autotrophic processes applied in series: the AnMBR (AnaerobicMembrane Bioreactor) system, and the ELAN® autotrophic nitrogen removal system. The application of this innovative treatment line in the ECOPARC of Montcada i Reixac (ECOPARC 2) mechanical and biological plant in Barcelona will maximise energy recovery from municipal waste and provide significant environmental improvements in the treatment of such waste. The expectations are for a 70% reduction in energy demandby the treatment process and an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions associated with the process, compared to the aerobic membrane technology currently installed at the plant. Simultaneously, novel systems based on absorption in water (the ABAD system in ECOPARC2) and the use of membranes (METHAGRO system in a cattle farm plant) will be implemented to produce bio-methane from biogas and either put it to direct use in the transport sector or inject it into the natural gas distribution network. The Technologies that will thus be demonstrated on a scale plant during the project will contribute toi mproving air quality, especially in densely populated areas, since emissions from a vehicle powered by biomethane are lower than those from vehicles powered by gasoline (-25 %) in terms of CO2 and considerably lower (-85%) in local emissions such as nitrogenoxide compared with diesel engines. The project will contribute to the overall objective of moving towards a resource-efficient economy and the protection and improvement of environmental quality. Specifically, it aims to contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative technologies, methods and instruments designed to mitigate climate change, and their scaling, transfer or incorporation into other sectors.
Copyright: | © Wasteconsult International | |
Quelle: | Waste to Resources 2017 (Mai 2017) | |
Seiten: | 5 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 0,00 | |
Autor: | Chemistry. Gloria Sánchez | |
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