Paternalism and Health Law: Legal Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle

Research in lifestyle risks is becoming more and more important, particularly with reference to what is generally known as “unhealthy diets”. The Law is now firmly established as a prominent instrument of Public Health. There are several distinctive methods of legal intervention targeted at counteracting overweight and promoting healthier lifestyles. In this paper we examine several measures that have been adopted and discuss whether Law should foster healthy diets. Our purpose is to examine the threats of falling into a paternalistic attitude when devising any regulatory intervention aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Living is a risk, as being alive is the only necessary condition for someone to die. From the moment we are born, we know that death is inexorably closer. Less metaphysically and more pragmatically, Ulrich Beck carried out a panoramic analysis of the different risks that characterize modern civilization, concluding that we live in the ‘risk society’. As the concept allows various meanings, several authors have sought to refine it. Lupton and Gabe put forward a distinction between environmental and lifestyle risks. ‘Environmental risks’ are those produced by industrial progress, such as pollution, toxic chemicals and nuclear waste. Differently, ‘lifestyle risks’, as the name implies, refer to several different ways of life that entail a risk potential. There are several differences between the two types of risks, the foremost being that environmental risks are due to something that happens to a person while lifestyle risks occur because of something a person does or does not do. In a society where life is regarded as something sacred but individual freedom is also seen as a fundamental value, the concept of lifestyle risks attracts a high amount of interest and controversy.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: Issue 03/2013 (September 2013)
Seiten: 17
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 41,65
Autor: Prof. Fernando D. Simões

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