Jahrgänge | |
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Norton, a small town with 60,000 inhabitants about 40 km west of Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, has no adequate waste management infrastructure. No regular waste separation system has been implemented. Approximately 85% of the households have a regular residual waste collection. The waste is however brought to the dumpsite without any treatment. For many years there was a dumpsite which had neither sealing nor treatment systems for protecting soil, groundwater or the atmosphere, therefore it was harming the environment.
Even if the dumpsite was closed last year and a new landfill with basis-sealing started to operate, the latter still wasn’t renaturated. Additionally, methods like waste burial in the backyard, littering and burning of the wastes are widespread. Health issues through emissions and transmission of pathogens are the consequences. However, the majority of the residents are aware of the problem represented by the dumping and littering and concerned about its risks. Furthermore, the unemployment rate in this area was estimated to be 95% in 2009. The idea behind the waste recycling project in Zimbabwe is therefore to help people solve the two issues at once: improving the waste disposal problem by highlighting waste as a resource with monetary value.
Copyright: | © Eigenbeiträge der Autoren | |
Quelle: | 2016 (Dezember 2016) | |
Seiten: | 5 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 0,00 | |
Autor: | Stefan Schmidt Joschko Ruppersberg | |
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Abfallverbrennung statt Recycling – Droht uns eine Rückwärtsrolle in der Umweltpolitik?
© Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (5/2010)
Natürliche Ressourcen bilden die wichtigste Grundlage unseres wirtschaftlichen Handelns und unseres Wohlstandes. Der Verbrauch der natürlichen Ressourcen gefährdet unsere Lebensgrundlagen und lässt weltweit gravierende Folgen für die Umwelt befürchten. Im Jahr 2050 werden voraussichtlich neun Milliarden Menschen auf unserer Erde leben. Sie alle brauchen Wasser, Energie, Rohstoffe. Ohne eine deutliche Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz wird allein China im Jahr 2031 voraussichtlich rund neunzig Prozent der Weltproduktion an Papier und Stahl verbrauchen. Bei Rohöl wären es, rein rechnerisch, sogar 110 Prozent.
WasteNet: Ein internationales Netzwerk für nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (3/2009)
Ein neues internationales Netzwerk ermöglicht den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Lateinamerika, Asien und Europa. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf angepasste Technologien soll eine nachhaltige Entwicklung im Bereich Abfallwirtschaft angestoßen und ein Beitrag zu den Milleniumszielen geleistet werden.
© IWWG International Waste Working Group (10/2007)
The assessment and selection of waste management strategies is one of the most fundamental tasks in waste management. The complexity of waste management systems has been increasing worldwide, since material and resource aspects as well as closed loop material flows are becoming more and more important. Growing interrelationships between disposal, recycling and production processes result in complex networks of waste treatment. Material Flow Analysis (MFA) is a systematic assessment of the flows of materials within a system defined in space and time. Brunner P. and Rechberger H. (2004) published a methodology for the assessment of waste treatment processes based on the analysis of material flows. Only an exact accounting of all substance flows allows one to determine the final sinks (or the whereabouts) of the “goods” in these processes.
© IWWG International Waste Working Group (10/2007)
Where are we? Where are we going? ……………………………….. The degradation of the earth continues. Man in his quest for survival and ever increasing affluence uses up more resources than what is available from the natural cycle on this planet and generates more waste than is necessary in the process of improvement. Resources are being wasted. Although often seen as an emotional statement the facts are there for all to see. Man is using far more than what the earth can offer or replenish.
IT-Sicherheit in der Siedlungsabfallentsorgung
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2024)
Die Auswirkungen der überarbeiteten BSI-Kritisverordnung auf die kommunalen Unternehmen der Abfallwirtschaft