Jahrgänge | |
2019 | |
2017 | |
2016 | |
Jahrgang 2015 | |
Jahrgang 2014 | |
Jahrgang 2013 | |
Jahrgang 2012 | |
Jahrgang 2011 | |
Jahrgang 2010 | |
Jahrgang 2009 | |
Jahrgang 2008 | |
Jahrgang 2007 | |
Jahrgänge 2001-2006 |
This report gives a technological description of the four common collection and recycling schemes that have been tested in the Netherlands as part of the pilot beverage cartons in 2013. During this pilot the collection and recycling of beverage cartons was tested in 37 different municipalities, with various separate collection systems and 2 recovery facilities.
The pilot demonstrated thatit is technically possible to collect and recycle Dutch beverage cartons. Therecycled pulp from all tested collection methods is relatively similar inproperties. Also, the fibres are relatively strong and the microbiological loadis relative high, this limits the applicability. Hence, corrugated boxes are awell-suited application for these pulps.
Four different collectionand recycling schemes were tested; separate collection, co-collection withplastics, co-collection with paper & board and recovery. The efficiency ofmost schemes is limited by the net collection yields and for some schemes alsothe sorting yield. The net collection yields are determined by differentfactors, such as the percentage of high rise buildings, the execution of thecollection system (service level, communication, etc.) and the space inside thehouses to store and keep beverage cartons separate until collection.
The recovery recyclingchains were most efficient, although one of the two chains suffered from arelative low sorting yield. Nevertheless, this sorting step can be improved.
Two different co-collectionchains with plastic packages were studied; the Milieuzakken and the KunststofHergebruik chains. The Milieuzakken-chain is already established for severalyears and the collection retrieves almost all the beverage cartons that areexpected to be present in its collection area. However, the collected materialcontains also relative large amounts of residual waste, which hampers thesorting and recycling and reduces the overall efficiency. The KunststofHergebruik co-collection chain was set-up specially for this pilot and sufferedfrom low collection yields and low sorting yields. Although the rural areaaround Deventer already reached a near complete collection of all beveragecartons, for most other collection areas more time is necessary to mature thecollection system and obtain higher collection yields. For improved sortingideally an investment is required which would make the sorting process muchmore efficient, since the current facility was not designed and equipped forthe efficient sorting of beverage cartons.
The separate collectionscheme suffered from relative low net collection yields, varying from 3% to 57%with a weight-averaged mean of 20%. This collection system needs time to matureand obtain higher net collection yields. For a few municipalities (withrelatively low collection yields) some adjustments to the system are necessary.
Also, the co-collectionscheme with paper & board in general suffered from low net collectionyields. Although in the high-rise area of Etten-Leur the largest net collectionyield for a high-rise area was recorded of 50%. The subsequent sorting wasinefficient, due to the similarity of the materials. In the future, an idealco-collection chain would be constructed without a sorting facility. Themixture would be integrally pulped and recycled as is now the current operationin a new facility in Nortrup (Germany).
Copyright: | © Eigenbeiträge der Autoren | |
Quelle: | Jahrgang 2013 (Dezember 2013) | |
Seiten: | 15 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 0,00 | |
Autor: | Dr. Eggo Ulphard Thoden van Velzen | |
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