Essay about the problems of air traffic and noise protection in the scope of European and International Law
The essay comes to the conclusion that it is doubtful, whether the German regulations are in accordance with the principles and agreements mentioned before and that a decision by an international authority (e. g. the European High Court in Luxemburg) and/or a new agreement (Staatsvertrag) between Germany and Switzerland (a former agreement failed in 2003) would be most helpful. The essay deals with the problem, whether Germany is entitled to regulate by one-sided acts the aviation traffic of the airport of Zürich, in regard to landing and starts procedures on environmental grounds (aircraft noise). The airport of Zürich is situated 15 km south of the German border in a densely populated area. The author points out, that this problem has to be regarded, first, under the aspects of international law (intervention into a foreign state?), second, under the aspects of European law, in which Switzerland is, as aviation is concerned, embedded through an agreement in 1999 with the European Community (Luftverkehrsabkommen 1999) and third, under the aspects of the agreement of Chicago on international Civil Aviation (1944).
Copyright: | © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | |
Quelle: | EurUP 01/2004 (Januar 2004) | |
Seiten: | 6 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 32,00 | |
Autor: | Diemut Majer | |
Artikel weiterleiten | In den Warenkorb legen | Artikel kommentieren |
Littering – Ursachen, Prävention und Maßnahmen
© VKU e.V. - Landesgruppe Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland (11/2010)
1. Littering – Eine Einleitung
2. Die Litteringuntersuchung - Ausgangspunkt
3. Die Litteringuntersuchung - Vorgehensweise
4. Die Litteringuntersuchung - Ergebnisse
5. Weitergehende Studie: Felduntersuchung Köln
6. Fazit
Der deutsch-schweizerischer Fluglärmstreit
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Ein Beitrag zum Problem Flugverkehr und Lärmschutz im europäischen und internationalrechtlichen Bereich
Lärmschutz bei heranrückender Wohnbebauung
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (8/2016)
Bericht des Ad-hoc-Arbeitskreises der Bund-/Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft für
Immissionsschutz (LAI)
bifa-Text No. 62: Ecoefficiency analysis of photovoltaic modules / english version
© bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH (2/2014)
The study by the bifa environmental institute describes a future-orientated view of the ecological and economic effects of photovoltaic (PV) systems along their whole life cycle.
Die völkerrechtliche Regulierung der die Meeressäuger belastenden Meeresnutzungen am aktuellen Beispiel des Unterwasserlärms (Teil 2)
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (8/2012)
The subject of the article, underwater noise, is both problematic and current, and requires interdisciplinary consideration. In the first part of the article (EurUP 3/2012, pp. 119-128), the sources of underwater noise and its effects on marine mammals were described. Furthermore, a discussion of whether UNCLOS is applicable in solving the problem of underwater noise was presented. In this, the second part, other global international agreements, such as CBD, CMS, ICRW and SFSA, and certain regional agreements, such as OSPAR, the Helsinki Convention, the Antarctic Treaty System, ASCOBANS and ACCOBAMS, are analysed.