Despite growing awareness and improving practices, littering is a worldwide
challenge with catastrophic impact on the ecosystem. Inland waters in particular represent one of the main sources of pollution for the oceans. Detecting and retrieving this waste when still in rivers is an effective and efficient way to remediate the environment before the damage spreads over large areas. Implementing barriers faces a range of technical and economic challenges, leading to long and complex project developments. For this reason, the Italian company Mold S.r.l. decided to adopt a life-cycle perspective to study potential projects with their innovative barrier River Cleaning system and focus on the most impactful. In this paper we present LCA results done on exemplary regions and derive the learnings and criteria for future market developments of the system, linking thus life-cycle thinking and business development.
Nowadays, about 2 million tons of plastic waste end up in inland water every year, and from thereinto the sea, with catastrophic impact on the ecosystem (Boucher 2020). Plastic pollutionthreatens liveability at environmental, economic and social level. It has consequences such aspoor water quality, loss of biodiversity and increased risk of floods. Plastic pollution also triggerssocially relevant concerns such as food security, access to water and health (Leslie et al. 2022).Furthermore, it comes with an expensive price tag for public administrations, tourism and fisheriesrelated business activities. Asia is the most burdened region, with cleanup costs nearing $14billion and revenue loss of up to $2,3 billion. Europe follows with revenue losses of $1 billion(Deloitte 2019). Both regions have urban and industrial areas located near waterways, thusaccelerating the inflow of plastic debris into waters. In 2040, the financial risk for businesses andgovernment is projected to rise to $100 billion (United Nations Environment Programme 2021).Studies that analyse the discharge of plastic waste into marine environments went fromconsidering 10 rivers as accountable for 80% of total pollution (Lebreton et al 2017) to more than1500 (Meijer et al. 2021). Waterways are now considered as plastic litter reservoirs due to themorphological structure of riverbeds, vegetation and hydrological conditions, and smaller basinsappear particularly relevant (Gonzalez-Fernandez et al. 2021). Detecting and retrieving this wastewhen still in rivers is an effective and efficient way to prevent these damages and remediate theenvironment before the damage spreads over large areas. Furthermore, economic benefits canbe enhanced through the creation of recycle-aimed plastic stock supply chains, allowing circularbusiness development with local stakeholders, including waste recycling and the issuance ofcarbon credits for CO2 compensation.The River Cleaning system is a novel technology able to collect floating waste from water streams,without interfering with navigation and ecosystems (Citton 2020). It consists of a row of small,aligned rotors anchored to an underwater cable. Each of them stops floating objects and movesthem to the sides, while fishes, boats can pass the barrier unaffected. The system can becustomised to the specifics of the watercourse and is powered by its natural flow. Furthermore,the spinning movement makes sure the litter does not accumulate. This ensures both versatility and operational efficiency.
Copyright: | © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben | |
Quelle: | Recy & Depotech 2022 (November 2022) | |
Seiten: | 6 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 3,00 | |
Autor: | N. Rubini Sarah Carniello C. Di Noi | |
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