Situation and Waste Management Strategy of the Czech Republic and Experience in Planning, Construction and Operation of WtE and SRF Plants

Waste utilization has the potential of savings in using fossil fuels. In the Czech Republic, three incinerators of municipal waste are operating currently, there are many projects for implementation of others; unfortunately, they usually fail to succeed due to the economic evaluation. Support for the construction of new facilities for thermal treatment of waste is practically non-existent. Apparently, this could be solved through a number of alternative approaches – combined combustion, processing of sorted waste; however, a conceptual solution is still missing. The article aims to present the current situation and potential for the future.

Czech Republic has made a commitment to change the management of municipal waste; the biggest challenge will be the treatment of mixed municipal solid waste. Although its production has decreased in recent years, mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) is the largest group of waste within the group of municipal waste, and with respect to the ban of landfilling in 2024, it will be necessary to use the complete production in a different way. In 2020, it will be necessary to dispose of about 75 percent of MSW in another way than landfilling; special attention should be paid to gradual reduction in landfilling biodegradable municipal waste (BMW). Although the Czech Republic has been preparing a strategy for many years, the objective is probably not within view yet; special attention, however, is paid to the ways to utilize MSW environmentally and economically, thus reducing landfilling considerably. The key issue is which technology of MSW utilization can realistically fulfil the requirement for economic and social acceptability and, at the same time be beneficial for the environment.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 5 (Dezember 2015)
Seiten: 7
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Professor Ing. Ph.D. Dagmar Juchelková
Professor Ing. Helena Raclavská
Radim Kovarík
Pavel Bartoš

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