The swedish voluntary Agreement for control of methane emissions from Biogas plants

Swedish Waste Management Association has set up a voluntary agreement for control of methane emissions frombiogas and upgrading plants, starting in the year 2007. There were a number of reasons to start this system, mainlyenvironmental (GHG emissions and odour), economical and safety issues, but as important was to show that the biogasindustry acts responsibly and is pro-active regarding these issues, especially in relation to authorities. The voluntaryagreement system has been reviewed once and is currently set up in two parts; internal routines for leak detection andemission measurements performed every 3 years by an external consultant.

Further Authors:
H. Hellström - SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
A. Blom - Swedish Waste Management Association

The results from the emission measurementsare used to calculate annual mass emissions and with these results at hand the plant has to set specific targets for theirmass emissions and show that they take measures to reach these set targets.Leak detection results generally show that biogas plants have a few larger leaks and upgrading plants often have many,but smaller leaks in the gas equipment. When the system started it was found that many plants did not perform leakdetection regularly and some did not even have access to leak detection equipment. It was also found that leakscontributed substantially to total mass emissions.Contracted measurement consultants perform measurements and calculations of total mass emission within the system.Measurements are typically made in ventilation systems and CO2 release. European and international measurementstandard methods are being used for these measurements when applicable. Many measurement and calculation methodshave had to be adapted to the varying circumstances found at plants, and these experiences have since been gathered ina Methane Measurements Handbook.To date measurements and calculations have been performed at 18 individual biogas plants and 29 upgrading plants,many of these have also been measured more than once. The available results show that the majority of plants have totalmethane losses of less than 2 % (per plant) of the produced methane. A few outliers have been identified, especiallyduring the first 3 years, with methane losses of up to some 10 %. In these cases measures have been taken already andthese plants now have much lower emissions during the second round of measurements (2010 and onwards).For upgrading plants it is clear that chemical scrubber plants have very low methane emissions compared to othertechniques. Different end-of-pipe solutions are becoming common and they are generally found to be working very welltaking emissions down close to zero, but at some plants they were also found to be out of order or not even in use. Forwater scrubber and PSA plants there is a negative relationship between the size of the plant and its relative emissions.Current challenges for the system are how the results can be used to show sustainability criteria for biogas as a vehiclefuel and also how the system can be expanded to the waste water treatment sector. An on-going measurement challengeis how to perform measurements from open tanks and storages, where a separate study has been initiated. For this studya first phase with literature studies and interviews has already been finished and this will be followed shortly by measurements at a pilot facility (sludge storage).

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 8
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 8,00
Autor: M.Sc. Magnus A. Holmgren
Anneli Petersson

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