Benefit of a good aeration management in composting

The sustainability and the development of composting activity depend on the capacity to produce, by efficient processes, compost with high agronomic and environmental quality and minimum health and environmental impacts. As composting is an aerobic process, one of the main ways to improve its management consists in using an appropriate aeration strategy. Indeed, this parameter influences not only the oxygen availability, but also other essential parameters such as moisture content and temperature. Therefore, the aims of this work were (i) to identify an optimised aeration strategy and then (ii) prove and quantify, by experimental results, the benefit of a good-aeration according to process indicators (temperature, gaseous emissions and matter biodegradation).

Further authors:
L. Berthe, P. Zan-Alvarez, M. Chevallier, A. Covez, R. Lecarpentier, M. Jolly, A. Ponthieux - Veolia Environnement Recherche & Innovation

To define the optimised aeration strategy, an experimental design methodology was used at composting pilot scale. It allowed identifying the aeration effects on composting key parameters (temperature and oxygen concentration). Thus, it was possible to choose the parameters values that led to good temperature and oxygen concentration profiles for 27d of composting. To evaluate the benefit of this aeration, the process indicators, obtained with an unfavourable aeration (BIO-), were compared to those obtained with the favourable one (BIO+) for a composting test of 83d. The composting experiments conducted, to define the aeration strategy and BIO+/BIO- comparison, were performed on a mixture of biowaste and bulking agents, in the 160L composting reactors set up at Veolia Environnement Research Centre (Limay, 78). In this system, the controlled aeration was conducted with a proper and dry air blowing system with continuous flow monitoring during the tests. The compost temperature and oxygen emissions (O2) were continuously monitored. The other gaseous effluents (carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC)) were collected and quantified at least every 180 minutes. Initial mixtures and composts at the end of the experiments were sampled for biochemical and chemical analysis (dry matter, organic matter, total organic carbon, nitrogen content) and for the estimation of organic matter stabilization (Carbon mineralization in soil-compost mixtures). For BIO+ and BIO-, additional samples were collected after 27d and 42d. As expected, the comparison of temperature and oxygen profiles for BIO+ and BIO- confirmed the necessity of a good aeration to reach and maintain high temperatures and to ensure aerobic conditions. Even if the total amount of matter losses is similar in both cases, the benefit of the aeration is proved by a faster organic matter biodegradation and stabilisation for BIO+ than for BIO-. O2 consumption and CO2 production confirmed this point. The study of NH3 emissions reveals higher production for BIO+ than BIO- which results from the combination of several mechanisms: the degradation of nitrogenous organic matter and the effect of stripping related to temperature and aeration. This study also shows that emissions of CH4 and NMHC are higher for unfavourable aeration mainly due to anaerobic periods.
To conclude, the aeration strategy is confirmed as an essential key to ensure well-composting process. The comparison of unfavourable and favourable strategy allowed quantifying the gain of this improvement which is essential to manage the process and design composting sites.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 8
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 8,00
Autor: Hélène Bacheley

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