A high amount of recyclable materials is still landfilled in many European countries. Against this backdrop mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) was previously considered to be purely a residual waste stream, but now it is increasingly being looked at as a valuable source for recyclable fractions.
The European waste legislation is an important driver for recycling.
The revised Waste Framework Directive (EU-Directive 2008/98/EC) sets out recycling targets for municipal solid waste and proposes that the recovery of materials, such as paper, metal, plastics and glass from private households should be increased to a minimum of 50 % by weight by 2020 [1].
The Directive entered into force on 12th of December 2008 and is addressed to all EU member states. Article 40 of the Directive requires member states to take the steps necessary to comply with the Directive within 24 months of the date of its entry into force, i.e. December 2010.
The main objectives of the Directive can be summarized as follows:
• Increase reuse and recycling
• Prefer recycling and material recovery to energy recovery
• Reduce waste disposal/landfilling
However, the current recycling rates for municipal solid waste and the state of the waste management systems still show huge differences within the EU.
Copyright: | © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH | |
Quelle: | Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012) | |
Seiten: | 13 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 0,00 | |
Autor: | Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Oliver Lambertz | |
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Fields of Research in Optical Sorting of Different Types of Waste
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