The European legislator has targeted the environmental risks and dangers of landfills with the Directive 1999/31/EC¹ on the landfill of waste (Landfill Directive). In order to cope with the dangers of landfills, uniform structures were created by way of the landfill directive.
Several environmental policy goals are pursued which can be categorised into the categories protection of natural resources, protection from environmental pollution and climate protection. In order to safeguard natural resources and to obviate wasteful use of land the prevention, recycling and recovery of waste as well as the use of recovered materials is encouraged.2 Another environmental policy goal next to the safeguarding of natural resources is the containment of dangers and risks deriving from landfills, in particular dangers for water, soil and air by way of increased control of the landfills and the deposit of waste at the landfills.3 Furthermore, the production of methane gas from landfills shall be reduced, in order to reduce the interconnected global warming. For this purpose the Landfill Directive stipulates the reduction of the landfilling of biodegradable waste and the requirements to introduce landfill gas control.4
1 Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste, Official Journal L 182 , 16/07/1999, pp. 1. Last amended by Council Directive amending Council Directive 1999/31/EC as regards specific criteria for the storage of metallic mercury considered as waste, Official Journal L 328, 10/12/2011, pp. 49.
2 Recital 3 Landfill Directive.
3 Recitals 5 to 7 Landfill Directive.
4 Recital 16 Landfill Directive.
Copyright: | © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH | |
Quelle: | Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012) | |
Seiten: | 8 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 0,00 | |
Autor: | Dr. Wolfram Schwetzel | |
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