Options to Optimize the Collection of Recyclable Fractions in Bavaria

The implementation of the EU Waste Framework Directive into German law was carried out with the new recycling law (Law on Closed Substance Cycles – "Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz") that came into force on the 1st of June 2012. This also contains regulations to improve the use of valuable materials in the waste. In addition to guidelines for the collection and recycling of certain recyclable fractions the introduction of a single recycling bin ("Wertstofftonne") is discussed. This discussion is of particular interest for Bavaria, because more than 1,600 recycling centers play a major role in the collection of recyclables – also for packaging waste.

The following explains which systems for collection of recyclables are currently available in Bavaria and the successes achieved. Based on the bavarian waste management law the 96 administrative districts and district-free cities are responsible for the disposal of waste. These corporations have to assure the disposal of the arising waste and to do an annual report. This report has to contain data about the character, origin and source of the arised waste and its recycling or disposal. These data are compiled to the bavarian annual waste report (Abfallbilanz) by the Bavarian Environment Agency (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt – LfU).
Based on the analysis of this annual waste report since 1991, there is no significant change in the magnitude of the total waste amount (500 kg/habitant per year). Compared with the past the amount of the waste disposed is cut in half and the amount of the waste recycled is duplicated and reached 338 kg/habitant per year inn 2010. The recycling rate in Bavaria is with more than 70 % constant over the last ten years. Residual waste amounts are still higher in urbanised areas compared with rural areas. Even if in urbanised corporations the highest reduction of residual waste can be achieved. Beside there are further significant differences not only in total waste amount thus in the recyclable fractions and in residual waste: In the most cases the differences are due to differences in the waste removal offer of the individual corporation.
In the moment 78 from 96 corporations offer a biological waste collection with a pick-up system. We assume that a large part of the 16 corporations that so far do not offer a separate collection of biological waste, will introduce this well before 2015. At this time 57 % of the population from 65 corporations are connected to pick-up systems (yellow bag or yellow ton) to collect lightweight packaging (plastic, aluminium, tin plate and composite packaging). Further the "waste paper ton" is offered in 78 corporations. Basically the collection of recyclable frac-tions in pick-up systems leads to higher amounts of these fractions compared with brings systems.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 6
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 3,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Daehn

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