Interaction of systems and feeding of bio methane into the gas pipeline network

The Waste Management Center Pohlsche-Heide is responsible for the management of the waste generated from the 330,000 inhabitants and the commercial waste at the district of Minden-Lübbecke. This district is located in the east – north end of the state North Rhine-Westphalia.

At the Pohlsche-Heide are treated about 200,000 tons of waste per year. To save our natural resources, optimal solution for waste is the reutilization at a high efficient level. Three highlights of our waste treatment centre at Pohlsche Heide are the mechanicalbiological treatment plant, the compost plant, two digesters and the landfill. Waste of up to 100,000 tons can be treated in the MBT per year. The waste is segregated in the mechanical part of the MBT into different components. The combustible components are delivered to an incineration plant in Minden to produce process steam for the industry. Other valuable components are sorted out and used as raw materials. The organic components are fermented in a digestion reactor of the type DRANCO and produce around 120 m3 per ton input; the produced gas is conveyed into CHP and also used for the thermal treatment of exhaust air coming out of the compost plant. After de-gassing, the solid organic matter is fed to the compost unit of MBT and finally dumped at the landfill.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resource 2011 (Mai 2011)
Seiten: 4
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Burkart Schulte

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