The impact of increased differientiate collection on existing MBT plant and possible upgrading scenarios: the experiences of a central Italy plant

The management and the production of MSW has been interested by many changes, during the last twenty years, mainly related to the new policy strategies in recycling and recovering. A large part of the Italian existing MBT facilities operates since the 1990, designed when the waste quality and quantity were quite different from the current one.

In fact, the increase in differentiate collection and the need to pursue higher amount of recovered materials, have changed significantly the amount and the features of the material entering the existing MBT plants, causing some operative problems. For these reasons, many existing MBT plants need to be upgraded for being able to operate, in a sustainable and sound way, in the current and future waste management's scenarios. The present work analyses the historical and current performances of an existing MBT facility, that operates in a central Italy's region, and some possible upgrade for increase the whole process efficiency.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resource 2011 (Mai 2011)
Seiten: 12
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Prof-Ing. Francesco Di Maria
Dr. Moreno Marionni

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