Potential of the Microbial Methane Oxidation to Mitigate Low Gas Emissions of Mechanically and Biologically Treated Waste

In the framework of the MiMethox-project, financed by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research, a process study on a MBT landfill is done. The results of a lysimeter study for qualitative and quantitative MBT landfill gas analyzes are introduced.

Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) of waste is among others an appropriate method to diminish landfill gas production. In this study, lysimeter experiments were carried out to determine the gas production rate of MBT waste of different treatment intensities, different water content and changing ambient temperature. A very low gas production rate (1.0 ml gas kg DM-1 d-1) was confirmed for intensive treated MBT waste. Water content above 30 mass-% and ambient temperature higher than 8 °C support the gas production rate. Lysimeter results were validated through a study at a test field on an operating MBT landfill. Measurements by the use of special underground chambers verify the low gas production potential of MBT waste (0.7 ± 0.8 l CH4 m-2 h-1). Extraction and treatment of landfill gas at such a low emission rate require sophisticated techniques thus very expensive. The use of methanotrophic bacteria in landfill top cover systems is a natural and sustainable way for complete mitigation of such low gas emission. Provided that the soil material is thoroughly chosen and the top cover system is well designed. Some criteria for an adopted top cover system are given.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resource 2011 (Mai 2011)
Seiten: 13
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Biol. Sonja Bohn
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Jager

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