The promotion of biofuels as a fossil fuel alternative has been a significant aspect of the global quest for solutions to mitigate climate change. However, the quick-fix has proven to be problematic as food security and environmental concerns emerge.
To address these concerns, the European Union (EU) Renewable Energy Directive contains sustainability criteria that biofuels must fulfill in order to be counted towards attainment of EU or national renewable energy obligations, or to be eligible for financial support. The European Commission (EC) has adopted the meta-standard approach as the compliance mechanism. The meta-standard approach relies heavily on voluntary certification schemes and is an example of regulatory out-sourcing to private actors in European clean development governance. This paper critically examines the limitations of the meta-standard approach, draws comparisons with the Clean Development Mechanism, and highlights some of the fundamental structural issues that may contribute to agents (the certification schemes) acting in rent-seeking ways to the detriment of the principal (the EC).
Copyright: | © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | |
Quelle: | Issue 1/2011 (Mai 2011) | |
Seiten: | 10 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 41,65 | |
Autor: | Jolene Lin | |
Artikel weiterleiten | In den Warenkorb legen | Artikel kommentieren |
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