Mitigating Climate Change by Using Horse Manure as an Energy Source in Finland

Using horse manure and bedding material as an energy source is an option that deserves consideration in the context of the EU objectives for increasing the use of energy from renewable sources and mitigating climate change.

According to a recent ruling by the Finnish Supreme Administrative Court, horse manure is not considered to be a vegetable waste from agriculture and forestry but rather waste in general, and therefore the EU Directive 2000/76/EC on the Incineration of Waste and its strict provisions on emission measurement must be applied when incinerating horse manure and bedding material. Consequently, using horse manure and bedding material as an energy source in incineration plants may be economically unfeasible on a small scale. This article suggests that gasification might be a solution to this problem, taking into account the recent European Court of Justice decision in the Lahti Energia Oy case and the proposal for a Directive on Industrial Emissions. The example of horse manure shows that from the point of view of climate change mitigation, rational solutions cannot always be easily taken under existing legislation.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: Issue 02/2010 (Oktober 2010)
Seiten: 7
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 41,65
Autor: Eeva-Maija Puheloinen
Professor of Environmental and Energy Law Ari Ekroos

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