Projects as a General Contractor

Projects are as varied as the customers and builder-owners who want to realise them. A small project might be the construction of a summer house, for instance: you choose, order and pay for the summer house (figure 1). The material is then delivered. You decide to put up the summer house yourself.You have purchased the materials and completed the construction yourself. You have carried out a small investment project which you have realised yourself. In another project you decide to extend your house.

1. Project participants
1.1. Project participants with the customer
1.2. Project participants with the suppliers
1.3. Indirect participants
1.4. Bringing the project participants together
2. What are general contractor (GC) projects? Differences to lot projects
3. Types of GC project
3.1. The GC-project through the awarding of a concession
3.2. The GC Turn-key plant project
3.3. The entire plant technology and the building as a two GC-project for one plant
3.4. Special types of GC project
4. Advantages/disadvantages of GC projects
4.1. Advantages of the GC project
4.2. Disadvantages of the GC project
4.3. Greatest possible customer benefit in the GC project
5. Von Roll Inova as a general contractor
5.1. GC-projects at Von Roll Inova
5.2. Project set-ups in GC projects
5.3. The services of Von Roll Inova in the general contractor project
5.4. Von Roll Inova example projects
6. Conclusion

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 1 (März 2010)
Seiten: 19
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Baur

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