Comparison of Methods for the Treatment of Mixed Municipal Waste from Households

The aim of the present study was a reliable comparison of two main municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment methods, the biological-thermal way and the thermal-only way. The biological-thermal method includes mechanical pre-treatment to separate the MSW mainly in two fractions, one for composting (undersize fraction) and the other for incineration
(oversize fraction), i.e. Solid Recovered Fuel. The subsequent biological and thermal treatments produce compost as a biologically stable product and incineration residues both for disposal in landfills.

The “biological-thermal-way” for treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the Styria region has been compared to the “thermal-only-way” by ecological and economical operating figures. The method of the study was to list data of 10 mechanical treatment plants (MTs), 6 biological treatment plants (BTs), 5 thermal treatment plants (TTs) and 4 landfills (LFs) in order to generate mass balances, energy balances, greenhouse gas emission balances as well as cost-balances. The study shows the commitment of the Styrian region to the principle in waste management “recycling before disposal“, mainly seen at the landfill volume demand which is considerably low (0.35-0.4 m³/t MSW). The greenhouse gas emission calculation includes the substitution of fossil energy sources according the applied method from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The study showed that the replacement of coal by natural gas can change considerably the greenhouse gas emission balance of the waste management in a region. The energy-balances, greenhouse-gas emission balances and cost balances of the mechanical-biological-thermal waste treatment concept and the single thermal waste  treatment concept with heat recovery and electricity production showed similar results.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: EU Waste Management - Implementation of the Waste Framework Directive (Juni 2010)
Seiten: 12
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 6,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Josef Mitterwallner
Hofrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wilhelm Himmel

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