Increasing energy efficiency: A plant manufacturers view

To increase the energy efficiency of the waste-to-energy plants is the main challenge of each plant manufacturer. This article lists some current trends and picks- up three of them by mean of examples from current Keppel Seghers projects.

Whereas Waste-to-Energy plants of the ‘first-generation’ (built in the 1980s) were conceived as stand-alone facilities with the main purpose to get rid of waste, plants of later construction dates started to contain technical solutions to reduce (excessive) energy losses. The electricity produced however was still regarded as a by-product at most of WtE-sites. Modest plant (gross) efficiencies < 24% can be easily understood since the income of those WtE-plants – mostly owned and operated by authorities – was by far more dependent on gate fees than on revenues from electricity sale. As in a public context gate fees are indirectly being paid by the community through taxes or contributions on garbage bags, the viability of WtE-plants is in fact secured without a strong need for optimizing the energy output.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: EU Waste Management - Implementation of the Waste Framework Directive (Juni 2010)
Seiten: 11
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Mariusz Maciejewski

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