An approach for sustainable management of the Balikligol lakes, Turkey

The Balikligol Lakes in Sanliurfa, Turkey (Lake Ayn-i Zeliha and Lake Halil-ur Rahman) are freshwater lakes, which possess not only environmental value but also touristic value due to their natural aquarium look and their historical and sacred status in the past and present. From time to time, fish deaths have been encountered in these lakes. Deteriorating water quality could harm the health of the fishes in the water. Therefore, the water quality at both of the lakes needs to be monitored. The pollution at the lakes exceeding the acceptable levels endangers the sustainable management of the living creatures.

With the advent of the measurement technology, it is now possible to set-up permanent monitoring systems for varieties of parameters in cost-effective way. The objective of this study is to establish a preemptive warning system against a possible pollution in the Balikligol Lakes (Lake Ayn-i Zeliha and Lake Halil-ur Rahman). In this regard, the locations of the eight measuring stations for keeping track of the pollution levels have been selected. The applicable system units were determined. Then, each station will make predetermined measurements and send data to the Environmental Administration Center of Sanliurfa Governorship via wireless internet connection. The Lakes’ closeness to the city center makes the wireless internet access available. Moreover, the measuring station locations were geocoded on a digital map, and Information tables for each station were linked to the digital map by use of Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The basic approach of the system is that the collected data at the Environmental Administration Center will be analyzed with the support of GIS enabled software, and the action plan will be determined according to the guideline established for the surface water quality standards. This whole process will create a management system for The Balikligol Lakes which receives real-time data continuously and respond promptly according to the guideline.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 5
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 5,00
Autor: B. Armagan
Dr. Nurettin Besli

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