Mapping air pollution: the city of Thessaloniki - Greece case study

Air pollution is a global problem that affects natural ecosystems and poses a significant human health risk. The main objective of this study is the evaluation and mapping of air pollution levels. This paper examines traditional and new techniques and processes of mapping a geographic phenomenon like air pollution, which requires spatial methods and algorithms.

Air pollution includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere and the quality of air is a critical factor, which affects drastically the quality of life in both urban and regional scale. Nowadays, air pollution is one of the most important problems in many regions. The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. Most pollution is caused by mobile sources and the heavy industrial use of chemicals. In order to define spatially the basic sources of air pollution it is essential to use methods of atmospheric dissemination. This paper focuses on the analysis and representation of selected air pollutants in cartographic layers with the use of GIS software. The outcome of this research is the design of a digital observatory to monitor air polluted regions and to compare the level of quality of life among these regions. Area of research is the city of Thessaloniki in Greece. GIS techniques of mapping air pollution are used to model air pollution and discover the relation between urban characteristics and air quality.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 8
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 5,00
Autor: M. Lazoglou
N. Karanikolas
Dimitra Vagiona

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