In order to evaluate the soil contamination by heavy metals and their influence on macrofauna, six habitats have been chosen. The first was situated right next to the motorway the others were 20, 30,40, 150 and approximately1500m away from the motorway. The content of heavy metals was determined in the soil. Humidity and pH of the soil were evaluated as well. The density and diversity of the groups of the fauna analyzed were estimated. The greatest diversity of the macrofauna was detected in the area furthest away from the motorway, where the content of the Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu was the lowest. It was detected that the density and diversity of the analysed pedofauna groups are affected not only by the content of metals such as Pb, Cd and Zn in the soil, but also by the humidity and pH rate.
Heavy metals are one of the most durable and toxic contamination of the soil environment. The content of heavy metals in the soil depends on environmental conditions and anthropogenic pollutions. Due to the intensification of the antropopressure their content increases constantly. It is widely known, that apart from some oligo-elements indispensable for life (Cu, Zn and Mn), most of the metals are potentially toxic for living organisms. Toxicity depends on their concentrations, chemical forms and the species of the particular organism. The main reason for the contamination of the soils by heavy metals is the fall of atmospheric dusts emitted by non-steel mil, transport and coal burning. As a result of consuming of fuels, rubbing of tyres and other vehicles parts Cd, Zn and Pb get into environment. The danger of soils contaminations related to the use of motor vehicles depends mainly on traffic intensity, distance from the roads as well as lay and use of the land.Due to the intensification of anthropopressure related to communication, the contamination of the soil by heavy metals has increased. Heavy metals are not particularly mobile and remain in the soil for years. However, it has to be emphasized that bioavailability of potentially toxic elements depends on pH as well. pH value strongly affect the disposition of micro- and macro elements in soil profile, what is particularly visible in case of acidic soils. The growth of acidity of the soils causes, among others, the growth of mobility of above mentioned metals and consequently their circulation in the ecosystem.
Copyright: | © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | |
Quelle: | 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009) | |
Seiten: | 5 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 5,00 | |
Autor: | Maria Marko-Worlowska Anna Chrzan Tomasz Laciak Ryszard Kozik | |
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