A frozen treasure: the environmental specimen bank

Time goes by and never comes back. Often we hypothesize that the environment has changed. Easily we are able to measure the current environmental conditions but we are not able to recall human and environmental exposure of the past. The environment is without memory and most information about past conditions is irretrievably lost. In the early 1980s together with a new national chemical legislation, Germany established an instrument that can serve as an environmental memory.

For almost 25 years biological samples from humans and environmental organisms are collected on a regular basis. These samples have been stored at ultra low temperatures. Today a stock of more than 400000 samples forms the German Environmental Specimen Bank (GESB). This archive became a useful tool to monitor chemical contamination in humans and their environment. It enables scientists and the German authorities to monitor time trends of internal exposure to chemicals retrospectively. These time trends provide measures for success of legislative measures, they are an indicator of changing life styles and they can serve as early warning signals for increasing exposure. As the organisms that have been stored represent different trophic levels, chemicals can be traced on their way through the environment and the human body.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 5
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 5,00
Autor: Andreas Gies
Jan Koschorreck
Marike Kolossa

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