Across the Top of the World? Emerging Arctic Navigational Opportunities and Arctic Governance

The Arctic Ocean has witnessed dramatic thinning and melting of sea ice cover as a consequence of climate change in recent years. This has led to increasing access to and thus activities in the Arctic region, including with regard to shipping. Arctic navigational opportunities are examined and it is concluded that there are a number of major obstacles to Arctic routes transforming the pathways of global trade, at least in the immediate future. The likely future opening up of Arctic sea lanes does, however, provide a focal point for increasing external interest in the region and for changes in oceans governance.

I. Introduction
II. Going, Going, Gone? Trends in Sea Ice in a Changing Arctic
III. Fabled Sea routes
1. The Northwest Passage
2. The Northern Sea Route
3. Over the Top: A Trans-Arctic Route
4. Assessment
IV. Arctic Oceans Governance
1. Governance Pressures and Reforms
2. The Role of the European Union
3. The Rise in Chinese and Korean
Interests in the Arctic
4. Responses by the Arctic States
V. Concluding Thoughts

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: Issue 4/2009 (Dezember 2009)
Seiten: 11
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 41,65
Autor: Dr. Clive Schofield
Dr Tavis Potts

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